Electronics & Telecommunication is a branch that makes impossible things possible. A branch of mystery and miracle, started with Vacuum Tubes to Integrated Chips today, a big room computer to palm top today, has proven itself as most important solution to lead life more comfortably. Electronics has proven itself for ages to be the best and provides opportunity to do a lot more for mankind. This branch has much hidden treasures for Engineers & Physicians and makes them crazy as it reveals the secrets with time. Progress is not made by Early Risers or Hard workers, but by the people in the field of Electronics, trying to find easier ways to do the same!!!
Communication is the core requirement of today’s society structure. With the ever increasing necessities of man, the demand for efficient and faster means of communication are on rise, consequently the demand for Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering is here to stay.
Department of Information Technology has been started in the year 2008 with intake capacity of 60 students. Department has well qualified and experienced staff members, and has well equipped computer laboratories with latest hardware configuration and branded Computer Systems (Dell Inspiron & LG MyPC):
1) Data Structures Laboratory
2) Object Oriented Programming Laboratory
3) Computer Network Laboratory
4) C-Programming Laboratory
5) Computer Center 1 / Internet Laboratory
All Computer Laboratories shared by Department of Information Technology and Computer Engineering.
In keeping view with the needs of time a full fledged department is being established .At present, well equipped computer laboratory is setup with latest Pentium IV Systems. Faculty members of the department are putting hard efforts to develop the department as center of excellence. Internet facility is provided in laboratory for students. For second year students short courses on software and hardware are being conducted.